Seattle Public Schools

District 2 and 4 Director Appointment


Carol Thompson

Pronouns: She/Her

Director District 2

Video Statement

Statement of Interest

Carol Thompson


I would like to express my sincere interest in the open School Board Director position for District 2. My name is Carol Thompson, 作为一名研究科学家,我有20年的专业经验, Program Manager, and Technology Manager. My personal journey, 根植于公共教育的变革力量, motivates my commitment to ensuring equitable and high-quality educational opportunities for all students.

在贫困的农村单亲家庭长大, 我亲身体验了公立学校的深远影响. 除了获得一流的教育, 其他实际好处包括免费午餐, 被提名夏令营奖学金和免除大学考试费用. 学校赞助的活动,比如音乐, academic team, 辩论为我打开了一扇通往小镇之外世界的窗户. With guidance from school counselors, 奖学金和经济援助为他最终获得博士学位铺平了道路.D. 在诺贝尔奖得主的实验室里学习生物化学.

Twenty years ago I moved to the area, captivated by the city’s vibrancy, 现在我在西雅图的公立学校抚养我的孩子. My vision for Seattle public schools is clear – to foster an environment where every family, regardless of background, 能否获得良好的教育机会.

Living in the Greenwood/Phinney neighborhood, I feel connected to the community and its needs. Pre-covid, 第二区公立学校的入学人数激增, 特别是在巴拉德/格林伍德地区, 像我这样的家庭为了工作机会而来,为了社区而留下来. Post covid, public school enrollment is down, but many families remain, 尽管他们可能已经离开了公立学校系统. I believe we need to make a commitment to make the public schools an attractive option for all families, 否则,对于那些负担不起私立学校的人来说,这将是一个不公平的解决方案.

我的背景很适合参与校董事会. 除了我的科学和数据背景, 我的专业经验包括战略规划和预算, and significant consensus building. 我一直致力于社区服务, including supporting women and girls seeking careers in STEM through the Association for Women in Science, 以及管理该地区的青少年体育运动. 因为我们的公立学校面临预算危机, 我看到了一个机会,可以发挥我在财务管理方面的专业技能, 透明度和问责制,以及我对我们地区家庭同样的奉献,以确保学校和社区得到他们需要的支持.

Finally, I recognize the impending societal and technological shifts that will demand a proactive approach to education. Seattle must prepare students for the future job landscape shaped by rapid technological advancements. I am eager to support the Board’s work to preserve and evolve the opportunities we give to all children, 为我们的学生规划一条可持续发展的道路, 确保他们在工作中保持竞争力,并在我们的城市拥有光明的未来.

Resume / Summary of Related Experience


Carol L. Thompson, Ph.D.






  • Associate Director, 数据集成:引领数据集成和ETL, and standardization efforts, 强调数据标准,促进研究数据的开放共享. 成功获得美国国立卫生研究院资助财团外展, operations management, 并通过不同的视角促进包容性研究.
  • 科学项目经理:管理多样化的投资组合, 监督端到端数据生成管道, strategic partnerships, and research programs. Led strategic planning, budgeting, 对有影响力的项目进行运营监督,从而产生高知名度的出版物和科学资源.

UNC-Chapel Hill

  • Graduate Research Assistant (1997-2003) and Postdoctoral Fellow (2003-2004): Under Nobel Laureate Aziz Sancar, 发表了7篇关于隐色素的论文, 昼夜节律和非昼夜节律的光反应.


North Central Little League Board

  • President (2021-2024), VP and Registrar (2018-2019), Coach (2017-2022): Leads operations, ensures public and player safety, addresses resource challenges, 并促进社区对支持性和竞争性青年体育的愿景.


  • Peer Mentoring (2010-2013), Publicity (2005-2009), Programs (2008-2009), Scholarships (2006, 2010):通过网络支持科学领域的早期职业女性, mentoring, and programming. 通过奖学金和实践活动为学生提供支持.

Frontiers for Young Minds

  • 审稿编辑(2019年至今):指导儿童科技稿件审稿, 为年轻读者提供科学发现的编辑反馈.

Application questions

What is your connection to the Director District 2 or 4 community, schools, families, and students? 作为安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行董事,你如何预见这些联系和关系的增长或扩展?

Fifteen years ago, 我和丈夫特意选择了格林伍德附近买我们的第一套房子. 我们欣赏这里的步行性和充满活力的社区精神. 我有幸在弗里蒙特附近工作了十年,喜欢在同一个社区生活和工作的经历. 我们与格林伍德地区的联系加深了,因为我们家有了两个孩子,他们现在正在公立学校就读. Both are now in middle school and have forged friends with numerous families from our neighborhood.

我们参与幼儿园和学校的活动, coupled with participation as volunteers and coaches in youth sports and other activities, 是谁把我们紧紧地编织在第二区的织物里. 志愿服务一直是我空闲时间的基石. 担任当地青少年棒球和垒球组织的志愿者主席,该组织注册了700多名儿童,主要来自第二区社区, 我有幸成为了解家庭需求的渠道. Through this role, I have listened to our families about their health concerns during the pandemic recovery, 解决了公园和球场的公共安全问题, and collaborated with families and volunteers to develop guidance for families through these challenges.

当我回顾这段志愿者经历时, 我认识到一种一贯的模式:倾听我们社区的声音, understanding their needs, 并采取行动带来积极的变化. This approach has been instrumental in building and maintaining an effective organization, and building trust with our families. 我预计与安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的合作将遵循这一模式. Effective governance starts with listening to our community, even when the feedback is challenging. 无论是对学区的关注还是对我们自身盲点的揭露, 关键是要找出最好的想法,并将它们整合到一个改进计划中.

我渴望将我已证实的承诺带到社区参与中, active listening, 以及共同解决安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的问题, 确保我们的教育系统不断发展,以回应我们多元化和充满活力的社会的需要.

你对安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行董事和西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的角色和责任有何理解? How do you foresee working with your fellow Directors, the Superintendent, staff, and the public?

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行肩负着塑造我们教育系统表现的几项基本责任. First, 一项关键责任是制定政策, 这是一个与社区关注紧密结合的过程, ranging from safety and legal issues to proactive initiatives addressing evolving educational philosophies, community standards, and long term objectives. 这是与校长和董事会成员共同努力的结果, complemented by community input, 确保在制定政策时采用全面的方法.

校董会亦积极参与与总监及学区制订长远策略计划. 虽然这些目前以目标和护栏的形式存在. 我设想,这些将必然扩大,以考虑在资源有限的情况下发展可持续的业务模式. 这种扩展应该将有远见的计划与创造性的资源和明确但可实现的目标结合起来,以实现可衡量的结果(参见我在后面的回答中关于设置这些指标的评论)。. 尤其是考虑到当前的紧缩需求, 预算监督和财务管理将是我们即将面临的挑战的关键. 通过我的专业和志愿者的观点,利用我在建模成本和开发预算方面的重要经验, 我明白预算审查有多重要. 客观的成本效益评估是必要的,以确保我们在这种情况下提供尽可能最好的教育.

最后,社区参与是这份工作的一个重要方面. 积极倾听正规的棋牌平台排行榜所服务的家庭的意见是关键, 因为他们是受紧缩措施影响的人, the ones who have firsthand experience of how the district is or is not serving their children, 以及我们想要吸引和留住的人. As a product of public schools, 我坚信教育的变革力量, 特别是当我们能够满足他们的教育需求时. Several overarching issues will strongly inform School Board work even in times of austerity. Fostering an inclusive environment, and championing diverse perspectives inform how we do things. Simultaneously, 我们应该意识到技术进步的快速步伐, 因为它为我们地区提供了领导的机会和挑战, given the tech-rich landscape.

Lastly, 通过认真考虑住房缺乏保障和资源减少的人的教育机会,支持公平.


在我大部分的职业生涯中, 我曾担任过需要领导但没有直接权力的职务. My experience as a Program Manager has placed me at the helm of initiatives with many stakeholders, 每个人都有独特的观点和贡献. As a lead administrator for a consortium, 我与许多利益相关者合作制定政策和程序, 同时促进成员的参与和协作解决问题. In both cases, 我曾与其他人合作,阐明了对目标的共同理解,并制定了满足许多需求的解决方案.

而我把自己的想法和方向提出来, my years of experience in committee settings and as a facilitator have taught me the art of listening. 当涉及到理解关注点和调整解决方案时,这项技能是无价的. In the context of a Board position, the ability to propose, hear, 适应对于实现有意义的变化是必不可少的. I hold a deep respect for diverse viewpoints and acknowledge that there are many valid solutions. It’s important to identify what the problem is to be solved, and then find consensus on the solution.

Finally, 我知道不同的人有不同的风格, 我想了解我的董事会同事们是如何工作的. As for myself, my style may be described as pragmatic, 尽管我倾向于干净整洁的解决方案, 我知道现实世界的解决方案可能很混乱. 我有信心与董事会成员建立相互尊重的关系, so that we can collaborate on solutions, and celebrate the shared accomplishments.


In collaborative endeavors, even people with shared goalscan still disagree on the path forward. 解决冲突可能是一个超越一次会议的过程. First, 当我发现自己在计划或决定上与他人意见不一致时, 我发现支持和澄清每个人的假设是很有用的. 确保每个人都有相同的起始信息,可以解决由于信息不准确或对情况的误解而产生的冲突, 并为继续讨论和协调提供了基础.

Second, 深入研究每个人都试图解决的核心问题, 或者确定他们最优先考虑的事情也很重要. 这种理解是制定解决办法的指导方针,也是谈判和建立协商一致意见的起点. 通过寻找共同的优先事项或目标, 团队可以更容易地找到共同点,并为合作和决策提供更有利的氛围.

School Board Policy No, 0030, Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity, includes the following commitment:

西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行致力于每一所学校的每一个学生的成功,并实现我们的使命,确保所有学生毕业后准备好上大学, career and life. We believe that the responsibility for student success is broadly shared by District Staff, administrators, instructors, communities and families. 我们专注于缩小机会差距,创建学习社区,为所有学生提供支持和学术丰富项目. Additionally, 我们相信每个学生都有权利在西雅图公立学区获得公平的教育体验.

What does this statement mean to you?

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的政策声明在个人层面上引起了我的共鸣. 我作为一名非白人学生在白人社区的成长经历, 我在贫困中挣扎,父母对我的教育很少参与, 促使我致力于确保我们地区的学生得到良好的服务. 我希望我们的学区能够认识到并支持学生的需求, just as they did for me. Providing our students with the educational supports they need shouldn’t rely on having an English-speaking, 受过良好教育的父母有充足的时间来浏览建立iep所需的系统,并获得所需的任何帮助. It troubles me to witness instances where our school district’s application processes to certain programs require a parent essay; placing an undue burden on underserved kids whose parents may lack the language, time, 或者导航这些需求的资源.

In my own youth, my mother spoke English as a second language and had suffered strokes that impaired her ability to communicate, 没有她的干涉,我觉得自己受到了学校系统的关注和照顾. 这就是我们的学校应该如何为服务不足的孩子提供公平支持的例子. 提供公平的教育体验, 我们应该积极减少学术丰富项目的障碍, and ensure that, 尽我们最大的能力和财力, 每个学生都得到他们需要的支持, especially those facing opportunity gaps.

西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行为学生的成绩设定了三个目标,并附带了作为学校系统表现更广泛指标的指标. Provide your insights into how setting goals and monitoring progress influences student success.

The Seattle School Board has recently transitioned to the Goals and Guardrails strategic planning style. 在实现治理和管理的任何新范式时, 审计委员会应审查其进展情况,并在必要时对该程序作出修订. The initial goals, focused on black boys only, were ambitious – aiming for a substantial increase in reading proficiency from 28% to 70% between 2018 and 2024, 到2024年,数学熟练程度也将从23%提高到45%. However, the interim report revealed limited progress, and even a decline in math proficiency. These results were almost certainly exacerbated by a global pandemic and a change in District leadership, but even absent these events, 在如此短的时间内,这些目标似乎过于雄心勃勃. Planning approaches vary. 中期组织计划可能会根据特定的时间表设定期望的结果, 沿途绘制临时里程碑,并对实现这些里程碑的方法进行高层次的描述.

On the other hand, 在敏捷类型的软件开发环境中, 工作被分解成更小的增量, 具有快速的交付周期和迭代调整. 虽然目前的目标和护栏系统有其优点,但可能需要改进. First, 目标可以是雄心勃勃的,但应该是可以实现的, 基于对根本原因的理解. Draft goals should be scrutinized against a high level implementation plan before finalization, 是校董会和区议会的合作.

Second, goals should be distinct. The initial two goals, 两者都集中在对熟练程度大幅提高的期望上, could be consolidated and interim goals should give supplementary guidance for how to stay on target. On the other hand, the third goal, 关注毕业率和高级课程, is qualitatively different, 并作为我们进步的独立衡量标准而脱颖而出, with better defined interim goals. 而学校并不是一个软件开发项目, 我们可能会从敏捷中获得一些高层次的想法. 在当前的千年发展目标中,临时可交付成果的期限不短于5年. 这是一个漫长的等待,以看到承诺的改善交付. 也许目标设定可以构建为一个更迭代的过程, with smaller, near term targets, iteration, 在更短的时间内实现更快的评估和航向修正.

Overall Goals and Guardrails can be a reasonable system for managing the Board’s strategic plan, 五年后,是重新评估和调整这一进程的好时机, 包括与实施计划保持一致, reasonable metrics, and incorporating shorter delivery times.

Please share your knowledge and/or thoughts on an ongoing educational issue that is a high priority for you. 你如何看待董事会在这个问题上的作用?

Our experiences in the Seattle Public Schools have notably positive at the individual school level. Our family has been fortunate enough to have highly dedicated teachers and principals and excellent facilities, 但这种经历在整个学区可能是统一的,也可能不是统一的. My concern deepens with the current budget crisis that this experience may become scarcer, 整个学区的学术可能会受到影响. The Goals and Guardrails that the Board set only targeted improving achievement by black boys, 其基本原理是,如果表现最差的人群有所改善, 我们可以把同样的成功推广到整个学生群体. Unfortunately, 由于三个目标中有两个缺乏实质性进展, it becomes challenging to gauge the well-being of the larger student body within this framework. It’s essential that the goals set by the Board encompass the diverse needs of the entire student population, 并确保每个学生在他们的教育旅程中得到支持.

I am committed to the belief that a private school education is not a prerequisite for success in life; but I am motivated at this time to support the School Board’s efforts to make this belief a reality, 尤其是在当前这个财政紧缩的时代. 一个关键因素是重新评估我们的STEM教育方法, 让学生们为大学入学竞争更加激烈的未来做好准备, 入门级工作越来越多地被人工智能自动化. 每个学生都应该做好高中毕业后茁壮成长的准备. 我们需要针对不同学生群体的学术目标,与实际的实施计划和精简的预算保持一致,这对于确保正规的棋牌平台排行榜最有效地为学生服务至关重要.